Table 27. Configuration Parameter List - Modify LLC Characteristics (continued)
Parameter Information
Inactivity timer (Ti)
Valid Values
1 to 254 seconds
Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.
A link station uses Ti to detect an inoperative condition in either the remote link station
or in the transmission media. If an LPDU is not received in the time interval specified
by Ti, an S-format command LPDU with the poll bit set is transmitted to solicit remote
link station status. Recovery is then based on the reply timer (T1).
Reply timer (T1)
Valid Values
1 to 254 half-seconds
Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.
A link station uses T1 to detect a failure to receive a required acknowledgment or
response from the remote link station. When T1 expires, the link station sends an
S-format command link layer protocol data unit (LPDU) with the poll bit set to solicit
remote link station status or any U-format command LPDUs that have not been
responded to. The duration of T1 should take into account any delays introduced by
underlying layers.
Maximum number of retransmissions (N2)
Valid Values
Default Value
Default value is taken from the associated port parameter.
This parameter specifies the maximum number of times an LPDU will be retransmitted
following the expiration of the reply timer (T1).
APPN Configuration Commands
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2