
Other Commands:
You can use the AP2 CONFIG> list command to display all filter information for the
interfaces. In addition, the list command accepts an
as an argument so
that you can list information for only an interface.
Sample Configuration Procedures
This section covers the steps required to get AP2 up and running. For information
on how to make further configuration changes, see “AppleTalk Phase 2
Configuration Commands” on page 221. For the configuration changes to take
effect, you must restart the router.
To access the AP2 configuration environment, enter protocol ap2 at the Config>
Enabling AP2
When you configure a router to forward AP2 packets, you must enable certain
parameters. If you have multiple routers transferring AP2 packets, specify these
parameters for each router. To enable AP2:
1. Use the enable ap2 command to globally enable AP2 on the router. For
AP2 config>enable ap2
2. Enable the specific interfaces over which AP2 is to send packets. For example:
AP2 config>enable interface 1
Setting Network Parameters
To set up your router as a seed router, you must set the network range, a starting
node number, and at least one zone name. You can configure some interfaces on a
router as seed routers and leave other interfaces as non-seed routers. You must
have at least one seed router for each AppleTalk network, and you should configure
several seed routers on a network in case one of them fails.
Note: Do not set a network range or a node number for half routers.
1. Use the set net-range command to set the Network Range. For example:
AP2 config>set net-range
Interface # [0]? 1
First Network range number (1-65279, or 0 to delete) []? 1
Last Network range number (1-165279) []? 5
Enter the same first and last values for a single-numbered network.
2. Use the set node-number command to set the Starting Node Number for the
interface. The router will AARP for this node. If the number is already in use, the
router will choose a new number. For example:
AP2 config>set node-number
Interface # [0]? 1
Node number (1-253, or 0 to delete) []? 1
3. Use the add zone command to add one or more zone names for the network
attached to the interface. If you define a network range for an interface, you
should also define the zone names for the interface. If you did not define a
network number, do not define zone names. For example:
AP2 config>add zone
Interface # [0]? 1
Zone name []? Finance
Using AppleTalk Phase 2
MRS V3.2 Protocol Config Ref Vol 2