
User log record recovery program exits XRCINIT and XRCINPT
At warm and emergency restart, updates made to recoverable CICS resources that
were not committed when the system terminated must be backed out. XRCINIT and
XRCINPT are invoked from the user log record recovery program, which is used to
back out, where necessary, user-written system log entries. XRCINIT is invoked at
warm and emergency restart:
v Before the first user recovery record is delivered to XRCINPT
v When all such records have been delivered to XRCINPT.
XRCINPT is invoked whenever a user log record is read from the system log.
You can use XRCINPT to change the default actions taken by CICS at emergency
restart for particular user-journaled records. Records passed to XRCINPT are those
in UOWs that:
v Appeared in the last complete activity keypoint
v Were in flight when CICS terminated
v Committed, backed out, or went in-doubt after the start of the last complete
activity keypoint. (However, this only applies to those records for which the
leftmost bit of the JTYPEID specified in the WRITE JOURNALNAME(DFHLOG)
request was a one.)
Records written by the activity keypoint exit XAKUSER are passed only if they
appear in the last complete activity keypoint. They are passed after all other
records. The order of presentation of records may therefore be different from their
order in the reverse log stream sequence.
The format of records passed to the exit is:
Offset Field contents
2 Reserved
4 Length of prefix data (L). (Zero if no prefix)
8 Prefix data (if any)
8+L Log data
The record is mapped by the DSECT CL_USER_HEADER in copybook
When using XRCINIT and XRCINPT, you should bear in mind that the exits may be
invoked before recovery of temporary storage and transient data resources is
For further guidance information about exits for unit of work backout, refer to the
CICS Recovery and Restart Guide
Coding the exit programs
CICS services can be used in exit programs invoked from these exits using the XPI
or EXEC CICS commands. However, you need to consider the following:
user log record recovery program exits
CICS TS for OS/390: CICS Customization Guide