Trace control function
There is one XPI trace control function. This is the DFHTRPTX call TRACE_PUT.
DFHTRPTX calls cannot be used in any exit program invoked from any global
user exit point in the:
v Dispatcher domain
v Dump domain
v Monitor domain
v Statistics domain
v Transient data program.
The TRACE_PUT call
TRACE_PUT writes a trace entry to the active trace destinations. You should only
make a TRACE_PUT call when UEPTRON indicates that tracing is active for the
function containing the exit program (see UEPTRON in DFHUEPAR). You may
prefer to make “exception” trace entries, in case of serious errors, without testing
If you use TRACE_PUT to write exception trace entries, you should identify these
so they are highlighted as exception trace entries by the trace formatting utility
program. To identify an exception trace entry, enter the literal string ‘USEREXC’ in
the DATA1 block descriptor field on the DFHTRPTX call. See the
CICS Problem
Determination Guide
for details of how an exception trace entry is interpreted.
POINT_ID(literalconst | name2 | (Rn)),
[RETURN_ADDR(expression | name4 | (Ra)),]]
RESPONSE(name1 | *)]
specifies up to seven areas to be included in the data section of the trace entry.
For a description of valid block-descriptors, see page 298. If you specify any
given DATA
, then DATA1 through DATA(
−1) must be coded before DATA
The specified DATA items are printed in the trace output in the order specified,
that is, in order of DATA1 through DATA
. A 2-byte length field is printed before
the data field itself. The maximum total length of the data that can be traced in
one call is 4040 – (2 *
) bytes, where
is the number of data fields that you
specifies the trace entries made as a result of this request. Every TRACE_PUT
trace control function
Chapter 3. The user exit programming interface (XPI) 369