This soft copy for use by IBM employees only.
5.6 Installing Windows NT Networking
This next phase of the installation concentrates on the networking side of the NT
4.0 configuration.
5.6.1 Network Options
At this point, you will specify and install the networking components of NT 4.0.
First, specify how the machine will be connected: either directly wired to the
network or via a modem. As this is the server, you most likely have one or
more network adapters.
Depending on your requirements, you may or may not want to install the
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS). You would use IIS if you server is
going to be an Internet or intranet server. Consult your network administrator
and the NT 4.0 installation guides for more information about this service. In our
test environment, we did not install the IIS, so the option is unchecked.
5.6.2 Installing Network Adapters
The next steps will be very important for the functionality of your computer,
acting as the NT 4.0 server in the network. You need to select the network
adapters you want to install, the appropriate device drivers, as well as the
protocols you intend to use, for example, TCP/IP, NetBIOS, etc. More
importantly, you will choose the services that your server requires to perform the
needed functions.
To make the selection process as convenient and easy as possible, NT 4.0 has
the capability to auto-detect the most common network adapters. It also
provides a list of adapters whose device drivers are included on the NT 4.0
CD-ROM. It is recommended, however, that you always use the latest adapter
device drivers that you can find. Refer to Appendix A, “Sources of Drivers and
Information” on page 147 for more information on where to obtain the latest
Click on Start Search to let NT 4.0 automatically search for the network adapters
installed in your system. Windows NT Setup now investigates your computer
and tries to auto-detect the installed network adapters. Please be aware that the
auto-detection process stops the moment the first adapter is detected.
If there are multiple adapters installed, you need to click on Find Next to resume
the adapter auto-detection process. Figure 68 on page 98 shows two adapters
detected, the PC Server 330 integrated AMD Ethernet adapter and an additional
IBM Auto LANStreamer PCI adapter.
Chapter 5. Installing Windows NT Server 4.0 97