
This soft copy for use by IBM employees only. Advanced Setup
Selecting this menu choice shows you this window:
Advanced Setup
Items on the following menus control advanced hardware features.
If they are configured incorrectly, the system might
Cache Control
ROM Shadowing
PCI Bus Control
Figure 2. BIOS Advanced Setup
Selecting Cache Control gives you the following window:
Cache Control
Cache State [Enabled ]
Cache Type [Write-Back ]
Cache Size 256KB │
Video BIOS caching [Enabled ]
Video Buffer caching [Disabled]
Option ROM caching [Disabled]
Here, you can enable or disable the L2 cache, specify whether the cache is
write-back or write-through, and view the amount of cache that is installed in
your server.
You can also specify if Video BIOS (C0000h - C7000h), Video Buffer (B0000h -
BFFFFh) is cached into main memory. You can also enable whether you can to
cache (shadow) ROM areas. If you enable this, you can specify which
components of ROM you wish to shadow in ROM Shadowing on the Advanced
Setup menu (Figure 2). Doing so enhances system performance.
The ROM Shadowing option gives you the following choices:
ROM Shadowing
F0000h - FFFFFh (System BIOS) Enabled
E0000h - EFFFFh (System BIOS) Enabled
D8000h - DFFFFh [Disabled]
D0000h - D7FFFh [Disabled]
C8000h - CFFFFh [Enabled ]
C0000h - C7FFFh Enabled
Here, you can specify which components of ROM you wish to cache in main
Note: If the address range is used for an adapter card buffer, do not enable
Selecting PCI Bus Control shows you the following panel.
8 PC Server and Windows NT Integration Guide