Standard Inquiry Data Invalid LUN
Table 5. Standard Inquiry Data Invalid LUN
0 Peripheral Qualifier (011b) Peripheral Device Type (1Fh)
1 RMB(0) Device-type modifier (0)
2 ISO version (0) ECMA version (0) Version (3)
3 AENC(0) Obsolete NACA(0) HiSup(0) Response Data Format (2)
4 Additional length (21)
5 Reserved
6 BQue(0) EncSrv(0) VS(0) MultiP(0) MCh-
Obsolete Adr32(0) Adr16(1)
7 RelAdr(0) Obsolete WBs16(1) Sync(1) Linked(0) Trans-
CmdQ(0) VS(0)
Vendor Identification
Product Identification
Product Revision Level: YMDV
Values for the Adr16 bit are 1 (for SCSI) or 0 (for Fibre Channel).
Values for the WBs16 bit are 1 (for SCSI) or 0 (for Fibre Channel).
Values for the Sync bit are 1 (for SCSI) or 0 (for Fibre Channel).
The Vendor Identification returns IBM in ASCII with trailing blanks. Product
Identification and Product Revision Level are set to vendor-specific strings.
The Vendor Identification returns IBM in ASCII with trailing blanks.
The Product Identification returns ULT3580-TD1 in ASCII with trailing blanks.
The Product Revision Level has four values: Y represents year, M represents month,
D represents day, and V is a suffix. For V, values of 0 through 9 and A through Z are
valid; a value of 0 is designated as earliest or least significant, and Z is designated
as most significant.
Chapter 2. Command Support 9