Chapter 6. Compliance subsystem implementation 165
To adjust the parameters to your need modify the operational parameters,
selecting the appropriate tabs. To add additional values to the parameter click
the plus (+) sign. To remove a value click the minus (-) sign.
Do not change the default names of the remediation workflows.
When you are done editing click Save.
4. The next policy we customize is the one that regulates user password
settings on the client workstation.
Back at the list of collectors select and right-click the User Password
Settings collector. Then click Edit collector parameters. The parameters for
the collector nac.win.any.netaccounts.PostureNetAccountsV2 are displayed,
as shown in Figure 6-40.
Figure 6-40 Parameters for User Password Settings posture collector
There are checks for:
– Minimum length of the user password
– Maximum allowed age of the user password
WARN_DEFS_OLDER_THAN Operational A time stamp in the format
the installed virus definitions
must be more recent than to
avoid generating a warning.
DEFS_WF Workflow Name of the workflow used for
remediation if the installed virus
definitions need to be updated.
Parameter name Parameter type Description