166 Building a Network Access Control Solution with IBM Tivoli and Cisco Systems
There are six parameters regulating the behavior of the collector, which are
described in Table 6-2.
Table 6-2 Parameter information for nac.win.any.netaccounts.PostureNetAccountsV2
For the purpose of the book we require the following values to be checked:
To adjust the parameters to your need modify the operational parameters,
selecting the appropriate tabs. These parameters accept only one integer
value, so do not add multiple values and also do not change the default
names of the remediation workflows.
Parameter name Parameter type Description
WARN_MIN_LEN_UNDER Operational An integer value used to indicate
the minimum allowable password
length to avoid a warning.
FAIL_MIN_LEN_UNDER Operational An integer value used to indicate
the minimum allowable password
length to avoid a failure.
MIN_LEN_WF Workflow Name of the workflow used for
remediation if the minimum
password length is too short. This
parameter should always be set
when using the Tivoli
Configuration Manager-based
remediation solution.
WARN_MAX_AGE_OVER Operational An integer value used to indicate
the maximum allowable password
age, in days, to avoid a warning.
FAIL_MAX_AGE_OVER Operational An integer value used to indicate
the maximum allowable password
age, in days, to avoid a failure.
MAX_AGE_WF Workflow Name of the workflow used for
remediation if maximum password
age is too long. This parameter
should always be set when using
the Tivoli Configuration
Manager-based remediation