Chapter 2. Installation
Installing DB2 servers (Windows)
This task describes how to start the DB2 Setup wizard on Windows. You will use
the DB2 Setup wizard to define your installation and install your DB2 product on
your system.
Before you start the DB2 Setup wizard:
v If you are planning on setting up a partitioned database environment, see the
"Setting up a partitioned database environment" topic.
v Ensure that your system meets installation, memory, and disk requirements.
v If you are planning to use LDAP on Windows 2000 or Windows Server 2003 to
register the DB2 server in Active Directory, you should extend the directory
schema before you install.
v You must have a local Administrator user account with the recommended user
rights to perform the installation.
v Although not mandatory, it is recommended that you close all programs so that
the installation program can update any files on the computer without requiring
a reboot.
v The DB2 copy name and the instance name cannot start with a numeric value.
v The DB2 copy name and the instance name must be unique among all DB2
v The use of XML features is restricted to a database that is defined with the code
set UTF-8 and that has only one database partition.
To start the DB2 Setup wizard:
1. Log on to the system with the local Administrator account that you have
defined for the DB2 installation.
2. Insert your DB2 product CD into the drive. If enabled, the auto-run feature
automatically starts the DB2 Setup launchpad. If the auto-run does not work,
use Windows Explorer to browse the DB2 product CD and double-click on the
setup icon.
3. From the DB2 Setup launchpad, you can view installation prerequisites and the
release notes, or you can proceed directly to the installation. You may want to
review the installation prerequisites and release notes for late-breaking
4. Click Install a Product and the Install a Product window will display the
products available for installation.
If you have no existing DB2 products installed on your computer, launch the
installation by clicking Install New. Proceed through the installation following
the DB2 Setup wizard's prompts.
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