1. Start the DB2 Control Center and select License Center from the Tools menu.
2. Select the system for which you are installing a license. Select the instance on
your systems. Select the product from installed products. The Installed
Products field will display the name of the product that you have installed.
3. Select Add from the License menu.
4. In the Add License window, select the license file:
v On Windows servers: x:\db2\license\license_filename.lic
v On Linux or UNIX servers: /cd/db2/license/license_filename.lic
where x: or /cd represents the CD drive or mount point containing the DB2
Activation CD for the DB2 product or feature.
5. Click Apply to add the license key.
Related concepts:
v “License management” in Administration Guide: Implementation
Related tasks:
v “Checking DB2 license compliance” on page 26
v “Registering a DB2 product or feature license key using the db2licm command”
in Installation and Configuration Supplement
Related reference:
v “DB2 product license files” on page 25
Checking DB2 license compliance
Each DB2 product and feature has a license file associated with it. The license file
should be registered before using the DB2 product or feature. The License Center
lists product information on the main panel. DB2 products that do not have the
license registered show the License Type as not registered.
To verify license compliance of DB2 features, you can generate a compliance
report. The compliance report lists DB2 features out of compliance with your
current product entitlement. Each DB2 feature status is listed as either:
v In compliance: indicating no violations are detected
v Violation: indicating the feature is not licensed and has been used.
Some DB2 functionality is only available under license when purchased as
part of a DB2 feature.
You can generate a compliance report using the License Center or the db2licm
To generate the compliance report from the License Center, select
License→Generate Compliance Report.
To generate compliance report using the db2licm command, enter the following
command from the command line:
v For Linux and UNIX operating systems:
db2instance_path/adm/db2licm -g filename
26 Getting started with DB2 installation and administration