Chapter 4 - Configuring Impulse with Application Developer
Setup - Editing Stored Moves later in this chapter for more information on Home moves.
Jog +: Activation of a Jog+ input will jog the motor at the acceleration rate specified by the Jog
Accel parameter and the velocity specified by the current state of a Jog Speed input in the positive
direction. If a Jog Speed input has not been configured, the motor is jogged at the velocity specified
by the Jog-Low parameter.
Jog -: Activation of a Jog- input will jog the motor at the acceleration rate specified by the Jog Accel
parameter and the velocity specified by the current state of a Jog Speed input in the negative
direction. If a Jog Speed input has not been configured, the motor is jogged at the velocity specified
by the Jog-Low parameter.
Jog Speed: The Jog Speed input toggles between the low and high velocities for the Jog+ and Jog-
inputs as specified by the Jog-Low and Jog-High parameters. If the state of Jog Speed input is
changed while a Jog+ or a Jog- input is asserted, the motor will accel or decel at the Jog Accel rate
to the high or low velocity respectively.
Kill: Activation of a Kill input terminates any motion (external steps or internal move engine)
instantly without a deceleration ramp.
Move Select: The Move Select input is used to trigger one of the 7 possible stored moves (Motion
Node option only). Each configured Move Select input serves as a bit in a 3-bit binary number
therefore allowing the binary representation of numbers 0-7. The Move Select configuration option
is only available on inputs #1-#3 with input #1 being the least significant bit (LSB) and input #3
being the most significant bit (MSB). Note that the bit places are fixed with respect to the input
numbers. For example, if input #1 were configured as an EOT and input #2 were configured as a
Move Select, asserting input #2 would run stored move #2 not stored move #1. Below is a Move
Select assertion table:
To guard against inadvertently selecting moves during input transitions, all Move Select inputs must
be stable for the time specified by the Move Select Input Scan Time. See the “Editing Stored Moves”
section for more information on setting the Move Select Input Scan Time.
Stop: Activation of a Stop input terminates any motion (external steps or internal move engine) at
the rate specified by the Stop Rate parameter.
Warm Boot: Activation of a Warm Boot input resets the drive and clears any latched fault
condition. To guard against a Warm Boot input being inadvertently held asserted, the Warm Boot
input is negative edge triggered (activation on to activation off). To insure the negative edge is
latched, the Warm Boot input must be held asserted for at least 500µs before releasing.
Move Select Inputs
Input #3 State Input #2 State Input #1 State Result
Inactive Inactive Inactive Idle
Inactive Inactive Active Run Stored Move #1
Inactive Active Inactive Run Stored Move #2
Inactive Active Active Run Stored Move #3
Active Inactive Inactive Run Stored Move #4
Active Inactive Active Run Stored Move #5
Active Active Inactive Run Stored Move #6
Active Active Active Run Stored Move #7