IP Gateway (Global Call) Demo Guide for Linux and Windows
Table 1. Command Line Switches
Switch Action Default
-c <filename> Configuration file name gateway_r4.cfg
-d Sets Debug Level (0-4):
0-FATAL: used when one or more
channels are deadlocked.
1-ERROR: used when the application
receives a failure which doesn’t cause the
channel to be deadlocked.
2-WARNING used when some problem
or failure occurred without affecting the
channel’s usual action.
3-TRACE used at the start of the
application entrance or the start of any
4-INFO prints data related to a specific
NOTE: Debug level is inclusive; higher
levels include all lower levels.
-f Identifies the front end:
0 = analog
1 = digital T-1
2 = digital E-1
-h or ? Prints the command syntax to the screen Off