6. Demo Details
Filename Description OS
/pdl_linux/pdl.c Platform dependency functions Linux
/pdl_linux/pdl.h Function prototype for pdl.c Linux
PDL version information Linux
6.2. Handling an Incoming Call
This section discusses how the demo application handles incoming calls. It
contains the following topics:
• Receiving a Call
• Handling a PSTN Call
• Handling an IP Call
6.2.1. Receiving a Call
The demo can receive calls from either the PSTN or the IP network. The demo
uses a configuration file (gateway_r4.cfg) to determine parameters that are
associated with a particular call. The configuration file allows you to configure
different channels with different properties. See Section 4.2. Editing
Configuration File for a more detailed description of the gateway_r4.cfg file, as
well as a description of the different configuration properties.
6.2.2. Handling a PSTN Call
A call that arrives from the PSTN needs to be routed to either a destination PSTN
number (via another gateway) or to an H.323 terminal. The demo uses the
gateway_r4.cfg file to determine the destination IP address as well as the
(optional) destination PSTN number (remote phone number). The IP Gateway
(Global Call) demo initiates an IP (H.323) call to the destination IP address. If the
configuration file indicates a PSTN destination number then that number is
passed to the destination gateway during the call establishment procedure.