password" option.
❍ Profiles that use the machine certificate to authenticate.
NOTE: Intel PROSet/Wireless supports machine certificates. However, they are not
displayed in the certificate listings.
❍ WPA-Enterprise profiles that do not use a user certificate.
❍ WPA-Personal profiles.
● Persistent profiles are applied at system power up and after a user logs off.
To create a Persistent Profile:
1. Click Include Profiles.
2. Click Persistent.
3. Click Add to open the General Settings.
4. Wireless Network Name (SSID): Enter the network identifier.
5. Profile Name: Enter a descriptive profile name.
6. Operating Mode: Network (Infrastructure) is selected.
7. Administrator Profile Type: Persistent: Active when no users are logged on is
8. Click Next.
9. Click Enterprise Security to open the Security Settings. See
Enterprise Settings for
802.1x security configuration information.
10. Click OK.
Pre-Logon Connection
Pre-Logon/Common profiles are applied prior to a user log on. If Single Sign On support is
installed, the profile is applied and connection is made prior to the the Windows log on
sequence (pre-logon).
If Single Sign On support is not installed, the profile is applied once the user session is active.
Pre-logon/Common profiles always appear at the top of a the Profiles list. A user can still
prioritize their own profiles that they have created but they cannot reprioritize Pre-logon/
Common Profiles. Since these profiles appear at the top of the profiles list, Intel PROSet/
Wireless automatically attempts to connect to the Administrator profiles first before any user
created profiles.
NOTE: Only administrators can create or export Pre-Logon/Common profiles.
Pre-Logon Connect key points are:
● Pre-Logon Connect is active only at the Windows log on.
● The following types of profiles can be created as Pre-Logon profiles: