Manage Profiles: Select to create or edit profiles. Use Ctrl+R from your keyboard as
an alternative to access this feature.
Manage Exclusions: Select to exclude networks from automatic connection. Refer to
Manage Exclusions for more information. Use Ctrl+M from your keyboard as an
alternative to access this feature.
Intel PROSet/Wireless Help: Starts the online help. Use F1 from your keyboard as
an alternative to access this feature.
To navigate the help window:
● Press F6 to toggle between the left and right pane. Use the up and down arrow
as an alternative on your keyboard to move up and down within the pane.
● To view information, click Contents in the left-side pane or use Alt+C on your
keyboard as an alternative to access this feature.
● Double-click on a book icon to open a Contents' topic. Use the up and down
arrows to select a topic and press Enter as an alternative to open the sub-
● Click Index or Search to look for a specific term. Use Alt+S on your keyboard
as an alternative to access the Search feature.
About: Displays version information for the currently installed application components.
Application Settings (Tools menu)
The settings on this page control the behavior of the Intel PROSet/Wireless software.