440GX AGPset Design Guide
Third-Party Vendor Information
5.1.1 Voltage Regulator Modules
The following vendors are developing DC-DC converter modules for Intel
II processor
voltage and current requirements per the VRM 8.2 DC-DC Converter Design Guidelines.
5.1.2 Voltage Regulator Control Silicon
The following vendors are developing DC-DC converter silicon and reference designs for Intel
II processor voltage and current requirements. Generally, VRM 8.1 (5-bit VID) control
silicon supports VRM 8.2 requirements.
Table 5-4. Voltage Regulator Modules
Intel CNDA
Contact Phone
Celestica Dariusz Basarab 416-448-5841
Corsair Microsystems John Beekley 408-559-1777
Delta Electronics
North America: Delta Products Corp.
Colin Weng
Maurice Lee
886-2-7164822, x233
510-770-0660, x111
LinFinity Andrew Stewart 714-372-8383
Raytheon Hubert Engle Brechten 415-962-7982
European CNDA
Alan Moore 805-498-2111, x291
VXI Electronics Joe Chang 503-652-7300
Astec Tichard To 852-2411-7429
Switch Power Jeff Van Skike 408-871-2400
Table 5-5.
e Re
ulator Control Silicon
Intel CNDA
Contact Phone
Cherry Semiconductor Barbara Gibson 401-886-3895
Elantee Steve Sacarisen 408-945-1323, x345
Harris Dean Henderson 919-405-3603
International Rectifie Chris Davis 310-252-7111
Linear Technology Jim MacDonald 408-432-1900, x2361
LinFinity Andrew Stewart 714-372-8383
Maxim David Timm 408-737-7600
Micro Linear Doyle Slack 408-433-5200
Motorola Stan Livingston 503-641-6881
atheon Dave McIntyre 415-962-7734
Semtech Alan Moore 805-498-2111, x291
Sharp See Sharp Web site
Siliconix Howard Chen 408-567-8151
Unisem Reza Amirani 714-453-1008
Unitrode Larry Spaziani 603-424-2410