440GX AGPset Design Guide
Design Checklist
GTLREFx pins are driven from independent voltage dividers which set the GTLREFx pins to
VTT*2/3 using a 75 ohm and 150 ohm resistor ratio.
The 82443GX GTL_REF[B:A] pins should be adequately decoupled.
The 82443GX component is a 3.3V component. All pins labeled as VDD should be connected
to VCC
VDD_AGP pins have been changed to VDD pins.
The VSSA pin has been changed to VSS.
The 82443GX REFVCC5 pin can be connected to the same power sequencing circuit used by
the PIIX4E. See the PIIX4E section for further information on sharing this circuit.
The 82443GX AGPREF pin is required to be 0.4 of VCC
, this can be performed by a
voltage divider.
The 82443GX GX_PWROK can be connected to the PIIX4E PWROK pin.
The 22 ohm series resistors on GCLKOUT and GCLKIN should be placed next to the driver
CRESET# is used to control the reset values of A20M#, IGNNE#, and LINT[1:0] and
determine the ratio of core and bus frequencies. This signal is delayed to provide the two
BCLK hold requirement. A 10K ohm pull-up to 3.3V is recommended.
TESTIN# should be pulled up to VCC
with an 8.2K ohm resistor. The internal pull-up may
prove to be sufficient, however the first rev of boards should include the external pull-up to be
3.5.2 82443GX GTL+ Bus Interface
The Intel
440GX AGPset does not support the entire Intel
II processor GTL+
bus. For a UP design, on board termination resistors are recommended for the following
signals: HD[63:0]#, A[31:3]#, HREQ[4:0]#, RS[2:0]#, HTRDY#, BREQ[0]#, BNR#, BPRI#,
DBSY#, DEFER#, DRDY#, ADS#, HIT#, HITM#, HLOCK#, CPURST#. The second set of
terminations are provided on the Intel
II processor.
The Intel
440GX AGPset does not support the entire Intel
II processor GTL+
bus. For a DP design, on board termination resistors are NOT required for the following
signals: HD[63:0]#, A[31:3]#, HREQ[4:0]#, RS[2:0]#, HTRDY#, BREQ[0]#, BNR#, BPRI#,
DBSY#, DEFER#, DRDY#, ADS#, HIT#, HITM#, HLOCK#, CPURST#. The second set of
terminations are provided on the second Intel
II processor or terminator card. An
empty Slot 1 connector is not allowed.
3.5.3 82443GX PCI Interface
If boundary scan is not supported on the motherboard: (See the PCI Specification Rev 2.1
Section 4.3.3 for more information)
TRDY# 2.7K ohm pull-up to 5V. Connected to PCI bus.
VTTA, VTTB GTL threshold voltage for early clamps.
WE[B:A]# Each connected to up to 2 DIMMs.
: Leave as a NC.
: Connected to IOAPIC. No pull-up resistor is needed.
Table 3-4. 82443GX Connectivity (Sheet 3 of 3)