C H A P T E R 6 CLI Command Summary
show dns
Displays DNS statistical information:
• Queries - Total number of DNS queries received.
• Referrals - Total number of times that a particular service or
group of services have been returned as the answer to a query.
• Unknown Zones - Total number of queries received for hosts
in zones that the 7190 is authoritative for, but do not exist in
the configuration.
• Malformed - Total number of received queries that violated
the syntax rules for a proper DNS request packet.
• Queries/Sec - Total number of queries per second.
• Refused - Total number of received queries for information
that is refused for policy reasons.
• Unknown Hosts - Total number of queries received for hosts
in zones that the 7190 is authoritative for, but do not exist in
the configuration.
• Unsupported - Total number of queries for unsupported DNS
response types. For example requests for MX (mail) records
would return Unsupported.
• Avg Queries/Sec - Average number of queries per second.
info all
Displays the DNS state (Enabled/Disabled, Primary/Secondary),
and all 7190 information for all configured Agents, Services, ISV
Groups, Zones, Hosts, and Flash Information.
stats all
Displays the DNS Statistics (see stats command for
definitions), and all 7190 information for all configured Agents,
Services, ISV Groups, Zones, Hosts, and Flash Information.
show dns
If the 7190 is a primary, it displays the secondary 7190s to which
it is currently connected. If the 7190 is a secondary, it displays the
connection status to its primary.
Command Description
Show Commands