C H A P T E R 5Intel® NetStructure™ 7190 Multi-Site Traffic Director User Guide
NOTE: Flash does
not work correctly if
settime is not
Use this command to configure the date and time of the 7190. One way
to configure this is by using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). The user
is prompted if NTP should be used, and is then prompted for IP
addresses of the NTP servers. Be sure that the selected NTP servers are
a reliable source for NTP time and that the NTP server latency is less
than 20 milliseconds. If NTP is not used, then the date and time are
configured manually.
When you say no for “Use NTP?” the setdate prompts are displayed.
When you specify yes, you are prompted for the NTP server address(es).
Use NTP? [y] --->n
Warning: Load Balancing Method FLASH will not work
without NTP
The current time is now: Wed Jan 12 20:23:53 2000
Enter the year (YYYY): [2000] --->
Enter the month (MM): [01] --->
Enter the day (DD): [12] --->
Enter the hour (HH): [20] --->
Enter the minute (MM): [23] --->
Enter the seconds (SS): [53] --->
Wed Jan 12 20:23:53 2000
Network Initialization...
Application Initialization...
Use NTP? [y] --->y
Enter Name or IP address of NTP server: []
Enter an additional IP address of an NTP server or
<return> to end [] --->
Enter an additional IP address of an NTP server or
<return> to end [] --->
When logging in to CLI, system date/time is displayed. If NTP is enabled
and operational, NTP information is also be displayed.
Command Description
Boot Monitor Command Reference