
EP80579 Software for Security Applications on Intel
QuickAssist Technology
August 2009 PG
Order Number: 320183-004US 41
Using the API—Security Software
Part 2: Using the API
This part of the document provides an overview of how to use the EP80579 security software
acceleration APIs to build an application.
Individual APIs are described in their corresponding reference manuals, which are listed in Table 1,
“Related Documents and Sample Code” on page 8. The reference manuals contain details of the data
structures, data types, function signatures, and other detailed constructs to allow you to call
individual functions correctly.
This part of the document is where you look to understand how to string such calls together to do
something useful. The chapters in this part of the document are organized as follows:
Chapter 9.0, “Introduction to Use Cases” gives an introduction to building an application using the
Acceleration APIs.
Chapter 10.0, “Programming Model” describes the programming model which is common to all of
the Acceleration APIs. This includes an overview of the coding conventions, as well as the
invocation model for the asynchronous APIs.
Chapter 11.0, “Debugging Applications”
Chapter 12.0, “Using the Intel
QuickAssist Technology Cryptographic API”
Appendix A, “NPF Copyright Notice”
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