
Security Software—Debugging Applications
EP80579 Software for Security Applications on Intel
QuickAssist Technology
PG August 2009
50 Order Number: 320183-004US
11.3.1 help
The help command lists all the user space commands available.
11.3.2 DebugEnable
The DebugEnable command enables the debug facility within the EP80579 security
software acceleration subsystem. This command must be invoked before any other
command is invoked. Specifically, DebugEnable does the following:
reports the version information for all components within the software stack, and
logs this information to the system log in a well-defined format.
registers for all System Error Notifications. The SEN handler simply logs the errors
to the system log.
sets a default value (500 ms) for the "liveness" polling interval.
See Figure 11 for an illustration of this behavior.
Figure 11. Sequence Diagram for DebugEnable Command
User Space
Kernel Space