Modem Reference 6-27
S4 Response Formatting Character
This register contains the ASCII value of the line feed character.
The factory default value is 10. You can set register S4 to any value
between 0 and 127. The modem uses a line feed character in
command mode when it responds to the computer.
S5 Command Line Editing Character
This register contains the ASCII value of the backspace character
and is applicable to asynchronous transmissions only. The factory
default value is 8. You can set register S5 to any value between 0
and 32, or to 127. The modem will not recognize the backspace
character if it is set to a value greater than ASCII 32.
S6 Wait Before Blind Dialing
This register determines how long the modem waits after going off-
hook before dialing the first digit. The wait must be at least 2
seconds. Register S6 can be set to any value between 2 and 65
seconds. The default is 2 seconds. The value of the W dial modifier
will override the value in register S6. This operation, however, may
be affected by some ATX options according to country restrictions.
Defaults and limits are country-specific.
S7 Connection Completion Time-Out
This register determines the number of seconds the originating
modem waits for a carrier signal from the answering modem before
hanging up. The timer is started when the modem finishes dialing
(originate), or goes off-hook (answer). In originate mode, the timer
is reset upon detection of an answer tone if allowed by country
restriction. The timer also specifies the wait for silence time with the
@ dial modifier (in seconds). S7 is not associated with the W dial
modifier. Register S7 can be set at from 1 to 255 seconds with a
default of 50 seconds. Defaults and limits are country-specific.