Windows 3.x/MS-DOS Installation 4-11
6 Create a directory called NDIS on your hard disk, by typing:
7 At the DOS prompt, copy M16BNDIS.EXE from the
C:\INTEL\M16B directory on your hard disk and the file
PROTOCOL.FTP from the \NDIS directory on the Intel Network
Drivers Disk to the \NDIS directory you created in Step 6.
8 Use a text editor to modify the PROTOCOL.FTP file to match the
keywords and values in the sample PROTOCOL.INI file in the
\INTEL\M16B directory.
9 Copy all the files from the \NDIS directory on the FTP Unsup-
ported Software Disk A to the \NDIS directory created in Step 6.
10 Reboot the PC.
11 Change to the \NDIS directory and run NETBIND.EXE.
12 Run LW.EXE.
FTP Software PC/TCP
Packet, NDIS 2.0, and ODI Drivers
The PC/TCP Generic Ethernet Kernel ETHDRV.EXE can be installed
using Intels Packet, ODI, or NDIS drivers. PC/TCP can also be used
concurrently with NetWare. For information on which driver is appropri-
ate for your network environment, see the FTP PC/TCP documentation.
For environments using values other than those set by the Intel Installa-
tion Program, see the heading Windows 3.x Network Driver Parameters
later in this chapter.
FTP PC/TCP 3.X with OnNet 1.1 and Windows for
Workgroups 3.11
1 Run the Installation Program from Intel Disk 1, Installation Disk.
2 From the Select Network Operating System screen, choose Win-
dows for Workgroups then FTP PC/TCP 3.x.
3 Follow the prompts to complete the Intel segment of the installa-
4 Run the PC/TCP installation program OnNet 1.1