IXF1104 4-Port Gigabit Ethernet Media Access Controller
176 Datasheet
Document Number: 278757
Revision Number: 007
Revision Date: March 25, 2004
The total number of packets received that are
less than 64 octets in length, but longer than or
equal to 96 bit times, which corresponds to a 4-
byte frame with a well-formed preamble and
SFD. This is the shortest fragment and can be
transmitted in case of a collision event on a half-
duplex segment. This counter indicates fragment
sizes, which is expected on half-duplex
segments but not on full-duplex links, and the
counter is only fully updated after receipt of a
good frame following a fragment.
NOTE: The ShortRuntsThreshold register
controls the byte count used to
determine the difference between Runts
and Shorts and therefore controls which
counter is incremented for a given frame
size. This counter is only updated after
receipt of two good frames.
NOTE: This counter is only valid when the
selected port within the IXF1104 is
operating in copper (RGMII or GMII)
mode. The RuntError counter is not
updated when the selected port within
the IXF1104 is configured to operated in
fiber (SerDes) mode.
+ 0x35
R 0x00000000
RxShort Errors
The total number of packets received that are
less than 96 bit times, which corresponds to a 4-
byte frame with a well-formed preamble and
SFD. This counter indicates fragment sizes
illegal in all modes and is only fully updated after
reception of a good frame following a fragment.
NOTE: This register is only relevant when the
IXF1104 port is configured for copper
operation (the line side interface is
configured for either RGMII or GMII
operation). This register will not
increment when the IXF1104 port is
configured for fiber operation using the
SerDes interface.
+ 0x36
R 0x00000000
RxCarrier Extend
Not applicable.
+ 0x37
R 0x00000000
Records the number of sequencing errors that
occur in fiber mode.
+ 0x38
R 0x00000000
Records the number of symbol errors
encountered by the PHY.
+ 0x39
R 0x00000000
Table 93. MAC RX Statistics ($ Port_Index + 0x20 – + 0x39) (Sheet 4 of 4)
Name Description Address Type
1. RO = Read Only, No clear on Read; R = Read, Clear on Read; W = Write only; R/W = Read/Write, No clear;
R/W/C = Read/Write, Clear on Write
2. When sending in large frames, the counters can only handle certain limits. The behavior of the LongErrors
and VeryLongErrors counters is as follows: VeryLongErrors counts frames that are 2*maxframesize,
dependent upon where maxframesize is set. If maxframesize sets greater than half of the available count in
RxOctetsBad (2^14-1), VeryLongErrors is never incremented, but LongErrors is incremented. This is due to
a limitation in the counter size, which means that an accurate count will not occur in the RxOctetsBAD
counter if the frame is larger than 2^14-1.
3. This register is relevant only when configured for copper operation.
4. This register is relevant only when configured for fiber operation (line side interface is SerDes).