compacting cycle iscomplete, removethe plastic bag asshown
in "Removingafilled bag" and return it to storage until it is full
enoughto recycle.
Remember,compactingboth recyclablssand non-
Itemswiththissymbolcanberecycledor weremade recyclablesmeanslesssolidwaste and waste transportation
fromrecycledmaterials, costs--and a better environmentfor all,
Acompactor makes recyclingand landfillreductionefforts
moreeffectiveand efficient. Reduce- Reuse - Recycle
Recycling Guidelines
Contact your community recycling program or local recycling ASSISTANCEORSERVICE
organizationsto find out which itemsareaccepted for recycling
and how they should be preparedand organized.These Beforecallingfor assistanceorservice, please check
programswill provide essentialrecycling guidelines: "Troubleshooting."It may saveyouthe cost of aservice call. If
• Methodand frequency ofcollection--curbside collections youstill need help,follow the instructionsbelow.
anddrop-off centers. Whencalling,pleaseknow the purchasedateand the complete
modeland serialnumber of your appliance.This informationwill
• Categoriesof recyclable items,and how to distinguish help usto better respondto your request.
betweenthem. Plasticcontainers are identified by codes on
the bottom.Sort by the numbersinsidethetriangulararrows.
Forexample, most plasticsoda bottles andsome cleaning _'_ ::_._...---_,.,,,_............_.._ _,_
bottleshave code 1; most milk and water jugs, laundryand
personalhygieneproduct containers havecede2. Paperand If the problem is not due to one of the items listed in the
cardboardcontainers (paperboard)also haverecycle "TroubleshootJrlg" section.,.
symbolsto indicate a containerisrecyclable.
Callthe dealerfrom whomyour appliancewas purchased,or ca
• Preparationsof recyclableitems. Mostrecyclingprograms MaytagApplianceSalesCompany,Jenn-Air Customer
providespecific guidelineson preparation.Forexample, Assistanceat 1-800-688-1100 or 1-423-472-3333to locate an
aluminumcans and plastic containersneed to be rinsedout, authorizedservicecompany.When calling, pleaseknow the
lidsremoved, but often labels can be left on. purchasedateandthe completemodeland serialnumber ofyo_
IMPORTANT: appliance.Be sureto retain proof of purchaseto verify warrant_
• Someitems, suchas glass,shouldnot be compacted.
• Most recycfingprogramswill not accept crushedglass, write to:
• Checkwith yourrecyclingprogramfor specific guidelineson Jenn-Air CustomerService
preparingrecyclabtes, Attn."CAIR"_Center
.......................................................................................................... P.O.Box2370
Organizing the Recycling Workspace Cleveland,TN 37320-2370
Convenientrecycle binsaremade to fit in thecompactor drawer. Web address:www.jennair,com
Thesebins,aswellas plasticcompactorbags,canbepurchased Orcall:1-800-688-1100.
ina variety of colorsat hardwarestoresand supermarkets.Set U.S.customersusingTTYfor deaf, hearingimpairedor speecl
upa system ofcolor-coded bagsin an areachosenfor impaired,call: 1-800-688-2080 (Monday-Friday,8:00 a.m.-8:01
processingrecyclables.Eachcolor can representa categoryof
recyclableitems,based on typesspecified by your recycling p.m.EasternTime).
program.Separaterecyclableitems from non-recyctableitems: NOTE:Whenwriting or callingabout a serviceproblem, pleas
includethe following information:
• Recyclableitems canbe sorted usingthecolor-codedbags.
Prepareitems accordingto guidelinesprovidedby your 1.Yourname,addressand daytimetelephone number.
recyclingprogram. 2. Appliancemodel number and serialnumber.
• Non-recyclableitemsshould becompacted because 3. Nameand addressof your dealer or servicer.
compaction reducestrashvolume to its originalsize:four 4. A cleardescription of the problem you arehaving.
bagsof trash can be compacted into one bag.This 5. Proof of purchase(salesreceipt).
contributesto reducinglandfillvolumeand relatedwaste
A_Ispecificationsaresubjectto changeby manufacturerwith
transportationburdens, notice.
REMEMBER:Do notexpect itemswhichcontainminimalair,
suchasfolded newspapers,to compactsignificantly. ._......._.- __•_,_. _
Compacl_tlg Recyclable IleiTis Toorder a color-matchedtrim kit for the installationof a oust
.................................................................................................. madepanel, contactyour localauthorized dealer.
Most recyclingprogramswant the consumerto crush orflatten Replacement Bags- Callfor Part Number
recyclableitemssuch as plastics,cans,and paperboard.
Compactingrecyclabie itemsconsolidatesvolumeand thereby TrimKitsfor Custom FrontPanels:
reducestransportationcosts--and alsohelpsmanagerecycling OrderPart#TCDW(Trimkit for custommade panel)
workspace moreeffectively.The compactor(sidealfor such a OrderPart#TCBS(Stainlesssteel door panel)
task.When a plastic bag isfull enough to requirecompacting,
placethe bag in the drawer as shownin "Installinga new bag."
Thenfollow instructionsin "UsingYourCompactor."Whenthe