• Load bottles orcans on their sides inthe center of the
L_%_,_'_ _;_ C:I{_[_.'_/_C_O[ drawer.Donot load bottles in an upright position.
3. Closethe drawer.
Do not compact any container, aerosol cans, or 1. Turnthe Control Knobto START.As soonas the compactor
cloths which might contain insecticide, hair spray, starts,releasethe ControlKnob, Theknob will thenadvanc_
engine starting fluid, paints, liquids, thinners, or to the RUNposition and begin the compacting cycle.
any other poisonous or explosive products. 2. Acomplete compacting cycle takesabout 27 seconds.The
Doing so can result in death, explosion, or fire.
NOTE:Whenthecompacting cycleis done,turn theKey-Knobt
OFF& LOCK.Removethe Key-Knoband storeit outof children
1, Turnthe ControlKnob to OFF& LOCK.
Cut Hazard 2. Turnthe ControlKnob to RUN.Thiswill raisethe ram to its
Do not push items down into compactor with topmost position.Thecompactorwill automaticallyadvan(
hands or feet. totheendof thecycleandstop.
Doing so can result in cuts. 3. Youcan openthedrawerafterthe compactorstops.
NOTE:Youwill not see compacting oftrash the first few _'_"_;,-_.__/_,...;.'_:_'_%,_..,'_-_I_:_:___,_,_......_ _(_.,_
timesyouloadthecompactor.The compactordrawershould
be about 1/_full before the compactor canbegin to compress Whenthetrashis compactedto the top of the drawer,remove
the load. the bag.If the bag is too heavy,compact lesstrashbefore
1. Openthe drawer.Lift and pullthe handleor pressthe toe bar emptyingit inthe future.
to open the drawer.
&WARNINGNOTE:Pressingthe toe bar opensthe containeronly3 in.to
6 in. (7.6cmto15.2cm), dependingontheload.
Cut Hazard
2. Placetrashincompactor. Do not push items down into compactor with
• Wraporcoverwet ormessytrash, hands or feet.
• Donotcompactitemsthatmaydevelopoffensiveodors Doing so can result in cuts.
suchas rawmeat,fish,grapefruitrinds,disposable
1. Pullthe drawercompletelyopen.
2, Removetopof bag from bag retainerbuttons. Pullup all
bag cuffs.Closebag with twist tie provided.