Since the emission regulations become more severe, Kawasaki has adopted a type of simplified
KLEEN, which have no catalyst protection system, according to each regulation of different countries.
The muf
fler with built-in catalyst has the same durability as the conventional muffller, however, do
not use leaded gasoline and do not coast with the ignition system OFF. Running the engine without
ignition damages catalyst.
Refer t
o the ZX900E Service Manual (Part No. 99924-1255) for more information about the KLEEN
(theory, maintenance, and handling precautions), including the secondary air injection system.
Honeycomb Type Catalytic Converter
The converter is a three-way catalytic converter, and its surface is covered with alumina upon which
platinum and rhodium are applied, and has a cylindrical metalic honeycomb structure made by bend-
ing a corrugated sheet and a flat sheet of stainless steel into a spiral of increasing diameter. The
honeycomb structure is convenient for the catalytic converter because it has a large surface area
but small size t o react effectively and has low exhaust resistance. In addition, its inherent strength
helps resist vibration, and has simple structure welded directly on the silencer.
Generally, the temperature of the exhaust gas must be higher than activation temperature, so the
converters are installed in the exhaust manifold rear end where the temperature of exhaust gas is
still high. And, the converters will be activated even under low load conditions.
After the exhasut gas is diluted with the secondary air injection, the catalytic converter works well
because of rich oxygen to reduce CO, HC, and NO
x. Accordingly, we can keep the exhaust gas
emission within regulation.
This type of converter works more efficiently as a three-way catalytic converter to reduce CO, HC,
and NO
x than the pipe type catalytic converter because of its more and denser catalysts.
1. M anifold
2. S ilencer
3. H oneycomb Type Catalyst
4. M ark for Manifold
5. M ark for Silencer