Periodic Maintenan ce Procedures
Throttle Control System Inspection
Throttle Grip Play Inspection
Check the throttle grip free play [A].
If the free play is incorrect, adjust the throttle cable (see
Throttle Grip Free Play
Standard: 2 ∼ 3mm(0.08∼ 0.12 in.)
Check that the throttle grip moves smoothly from close to
full open, and the t hrottle closes quickly and completely
in all steering positions by the return spring.
If the throttle grip doesn’t return properly, check the throt-
tle cable routing, grip free play, and cable damage. Then
lubricate the throttle cable.
Run the engine at the idle speed, and turn the handlebar
all the way to the right and left to ensure that the idle speed
doesn’t change.
If the idle speed increases, check the throttle grip free play
and the c able routing.
If necessary, adjust the throttle cable as follows.
Loosen the locknut [A] (right-front view).
Turn the adjuster [B ] until the proper amount of free play
can be obtained.
Tighten [C] the locknut against the adjuster securely.
If the throttle grip free play cannot be adjusted with the
adjuster, use the adjusters in the middle of t he throttle
Loosen the locknut, and screw the adjuster at the upper
end of the accelerator cable all the way in.
Tighten the locknut against the adjuster securely.
Remove the fuel tank (see Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
Loosen the locknuts [A], and turn the lower adjusters [B]
until the proper amount of throttle grip free play is ob-
Tighten the l ocknuts against the adjusters securely.
Front [C]
If the throttle grip free play cannot be adjusted with the
lower adjusters, use the adjuster at the upper end of the
cable again.