• Field Data Entry
In addition to making excellent field data display devices, the TH-D72A/E menus have also been
designed for easy data, position and message entry. Often overlooked is the ability to use
TH-D7A/E, TM-D700A/E, and TM-D710A/E as excellent field data entry and clipboard entry
devices at many field events.
Refer to: http://aprs.org/aprsevent.html
• Individual Information Access
The Kenwood individual radio displays enhance the distribution of ham radio information to a large
number of users by giving them individual front panel and keypad access to all of the online APRS
data. A common mistake of fixed operations with computers is the use of large display screens for
large groups to see but which fails to recognize the individual needs of a given viewer. The
individuality of APRS radios with individual displays spreads this data access throughout the users
in the field.
• Overlay Characters on all Symbols
The Kenwood TH-D72A/E has been expanded to show the overlay character of all symbols, not
just the original subset of special symbols. This provides hundreds of new symbol combinations
for better APRS application to new uses.
• Digipeating
New TH-D72A/E is the first APRS HT to have a digipeater function. Each radio now has front
panel access control to the digipeater function so that it can be turned on and off as needed to
match the local situation. In addition, each TH-D72A/E can be used as a TEMPn-N digipeater in
support of emergency operations when a user is having difficulty accessing the existing WIDEn-N
network. Refer to: http://aprs.org/TEMPn-N.html
• Voice Operating Frequencies
The most important new feature of the new TH-D72A/E is the recognition of the value of the voice
operator frequency as a fundamental communications parameter. Not only does the radio
automatically include its own voice band frequency in every position packet, it also has special
displays and features that make this information readily available. For example, the station list can
be sorted to bring Frequency Objects to the top of the list in frequency order. Further, the radio
can tune to these frequencies for quick QSO with a single press of the TUNE menu.
• EchoLink, IRLP or Winlink Frequencies
New TH-D72A/E frequency TUNE function not only makes rapid QSY to another station operator
easy, it also facilitates quick tuning to nearby EchoLink, IRLP or Winlink frequencies with the push
of a single button. Future use of this capability is anticipated to automatically and seamlessly
integrate callsign to callsign calling from RF via local, national and global ham radio VoIP systems.
Note: If all you think of when you hear the word APRS is maps and stagnant icons, then you are not using the full potential of
APRS. If all of the local information that can be of immediate value to the APRS HT or mobile operator is not showing up
in your local area, then get active and get involved in supplying this content. APRS is a communication tool, not just an
automated map. Use it. But in most cases, that means entering data, not just watching it. Kenwood has provided the
APRS handheld and mobile information display capability, it is up to us to provide content!