1. Check that the specifications for your computer meet the following that are necessary to use
Table 8-1 MCP-4A Computer Specifications Table
If using Windows XP, it is necessary to install the “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (Service Pack 1 or later)” on the PC.
Windows Vista and Windows 7 do not require NET Framework since this newer version of Windows already contains the
necessary environment software.
To determine if “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (Service Pack 1 or later)” is installed on your computer with Windows XP,
click “Control Panel” > “Add or Remove Programs” and check in the list of installed software. If the list includes “.NET
Framework 2.0 (Service Pack 1 or later)”, another installation is not necessary.
.NET Framework Run-time can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site.
A virtual COM port driver needs to be installed onto the PC to use the MCP-4A with a USB cable.
Do not connect the transceiver to a PC using a USB cable before installing the virtual COM port driver.
Virtual COM Port Driver: http://www.kenwood.com/i/products/info/amateur/vcp_e.html
2. Download the newest version of MCP-4A from the Kenwood web site URL shown below:
MCP-4A download location: http://www.kenwood.com/i/products/info/amateur/mcp4a_e.html
(URL is subject to change).
3. Extract the downloaded file into a designated folder.
In the designated folder, a folder will be created.
Execute the “setup.exe” in the folder, and follow the instructions that appear on the display to
install MCP-4A.
Windows Vista and Windows 7 require that you click the “Allow (A)” button when the User Account Control window
displays a message asking permission to install the software.
Installing MCP-4A alone without first installing “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (Service Pack 1 or later)” will result in
MCP-4A not being able to start. “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (Service Pack 1 or later)” must be installed first.
Windows Vista and Windows 7 do not require “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (Service Pack 1 or later)” since this newer
version of Windows already contains the necessary environment software.
8.1 Downloading and Installing MCP-4A
Computer Required Specification
Operating System
Windows XP (Service Pack 3 or later) (32-bit))
Windows Vista (Service Pack 1 or later) (32-bit/ 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit/ 64-bit)
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (Service Pack 1 or later) must be installed.
CPU CPU clock frequency recommended by OS or faster
Memory More than OS recommended capacity
Hard Disk 30 MB or more free space.
Display XGA resolution or higher (1024 x 768)
USB 1.0/2.0 port.