TP-6804 1/1528 Section 2 Generator Set Operation
2.5.5 Faults Related to Paralleling
If the PowerSync Automatic Paralleling Module (APM)
is used with two 14RESA or two 20RESA generator
sets, additional faults and events related to the
paralleling system may be displayed on the controller
and/or inOnCue Plus. This section liststhose faultsand
events. See TT-1596, provided with the APM, for
additional paralleling information.
Note: Contact an authorized distributor or dealer for
paralleling system installation, startup,
troubleshooting, or service.
Fault Text Description
When Active Warning
Delay, sec.
Display Cleared On
Current A High Warning Over Current Paralleled 10 Press AUTO or OFF *
Frequency High Warning Over Frequency Paralleled 10 Press AUTO or OFF *
Frequency Low Warning Under Frequency Paralleled 10 Press AUTO or OFF *
Reactive Power Low Warning Loss of Field Paralleled 10 Press AUTO or OFF *
Real Power High Warning Over Power Paralleled 10 Press AUTO or OFF *
Real Power Low Warning Reverse Power Paralleled 10 Press AUTO or OFF *
Voltage L1-L2 High Warning Over Voltage Paralleled 10 Press AUTO or OFF *
Voltage L1-L2 Low Warning Under Voltage Paralleled 10 Press AUTO or OFF *
* Pressing OFF will stop the generator set.
Figure 2-4 Warning Messages (protective relay disconnect)
Fault Text Description Possible Causes *
BusDeadLive The bus is measured to be dead when one of the
generators is supposed to be supplying voltage to the
bus (closed contactor)
Bus metering V9A and V9B connections
to V9 of paralleling p rotection harness are
connected incorrectly.
BusLiveDead The bus is measured to be live when no generators
are connected to it (both contactors open).
Bus metering V9A and V9B connections
to V9 of paralleling protection harness
connected incorrectly.
CfgModelNum The two generators that are intended to be paralleled
have different model numbers.
Incorrect configuration of one of the
generators. Different generator types.
The paralleled generator sets must be the
same model. (i.e. two 14RESAs or two
CfgSysVolt The system voltage of the two generators intended to
be paralleled is not the same. Because the system
does not know which voltage is correct, the generators
will not be allowed to start.
One of the two generators is incorrectly
Intermittent connections on RBUS network
ChkngMeter This generator has paralleled to the other generator
and is verifying that the metering is connected and
establishing the connection direction.
Status message appears the first time the
two generators are paralleled.
ConCheckFail Failure to Auto-Discover APM connections. Wires 9A and 9B crossed between the
Wires 9A or 9B not connected
ConChecking Performing APM connection auto-discovery. This generator has started in RUN, the
other generator is in OFF.
ConNotDeterm APM connection auto-discovery is not complete. This
means that the generator does not know which
contactor is connected to it.
Generators not yet started in RUN with
other generator in OFF. See TT-1596 for
instructions to perform the auto-discovery
ContactorOk Successful auto-discovery of APM connections. Auto-discovery was activated by placing
other generator in OFF and this generator
in RUN.