TP-6804 1/15 65Section 5 Scheduled Maintenance
5.2.4 Oil Change Procedure
Note: Dispose of all waste materials (engine oil, fuel,
filter, etc.) in an environmentally safe manner.
Drain the oil while it is still warm.
1. Drain the oil.
a. Press the OFF button on the generator set
b. Disconnect the utility power to the generator
c. Disconnect the generator set engine starting
battery, negative (--) lead first.
d. Remove the housing side panel.
e. Clean the area around the dipstick and oil fill
f. Remove the oil drain hose from its retaining
clip. Remove the cap from the oil drain hose
and lower the hose into an oil collection
g. Open the oil drain valve on the engine.
h. Remove the dipstick and oil fill cap. Allow time
for the engine oil to drain completely.
i. Close the oil drain valve. Replace the cap on
the oil drain hose. Replace the oil drain hose in
its retaining clip.
j. Replace the dipstick.
2. Replace the oil filter.
a. Clean thearea around theoil filter. Remove the
oil filter by rotating it counterclockwise with an
oil filter wrench.
b. Clean the gasket sealing surface of the oil filter
c. Apply a light coat of clean oil to the rubber seal
of the new oil filter.
d. Install thenew oil filter followingthe instructions
provided with the filter.
3. Fill with oil.
Note: When the oil is drained, some oil remains in the
engine. The amount of oil needed to refill the
engine will be less than the capacity shown in
Figure 5-2. Use the dipstick shown in Figure 5-1
to check the oil level during the fill. Do not fill past
the full mark on the dipstick.
Generator Set Model Oil Capacity, L (qt.)
1.9 (2.0)
2.7 (2.9)
Figure 5-2 Engine Oil Capacity (new, dry engine)
a. See Section 5.2.3 for the recommended oil
type. Add oil through the oil fill port. Use the
dipstick to check the oil level before starting to
add the final quart of oil. Fill the engine to the F
mark on the dipstick.
b. Reinstall the dipstick and the o il fill cap.
c. Reconnect the generator set engine starting
battery, negative (--) lead last.
d. Reconnect the utility power to the generator
e. Press the RUN button on the generator set
controller. The generator set will start.
f. Run the generator set for a minute to allow the
oil pressure to reach operating range.
g. Stop the generator set, wait 1 minute, and then
recheck the oil level. Add oil to bring the level
up to the F mark on the dipstick.
4. Check for leaks.
a. Check for oil leaks.
b. Fix leaks and recheck the oil level.
c. Reinstall the housing side panel.
5. Reset the maintenance timer on the controller.