
TP-6200 10/12194 Appendix
K kelvin
kA kiloampere
KB kilobyte (2
KBus Kohler communication protocol
kg kilogram
kilograms per square
kgm kilogram-meter
kilograms per cubic meter
kHz kilohertz
kJ kilojoule
km kilometer
kOhm, k kilo-ohm
kPa kilopascal
kph kilometers per hour
kV kilovolt
kVA kilovolt ampere
kVAR kilovolt ampere reactive
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
kWm kilowatt mechanical
kWth kilowatt-thermal
L liter
LAN local area network
L x W x H length by width by height
lb. pound, pounds
pounds mass per cubic feet
LCB line circuit breaker
LCD liquid crystal display
LED light emitting diode
Lph liters per hour
Lpm liters per minute
LOP low oil pressure
LP liquefied petroleum
LPG liquefied petroleum gas
LS left side
sound power level, A weighted
LWL low water level
LWT low water temperature
m meter, milli (1/1000)
M mega (10
when used with SI
units), male
cubic meter
/hr. cubic meters per hour
/min. cubic meters per minute
mA milliampere
man. manual
max. maximum
MB megabyte (2
MCCB molded-case circuit breaker
MCM one thousand circular mils
meggar megohmmeter
MHz megahertz
mi. mile
mil one one-thousandth of an inch
min. minimum, minute
misc. miscellaneous
MJ megajoule
mJ millijoule
mm millimeter
mOhm, m
MOhm, Mmegohm
MOV metal oxide varistor
MPa megapascal
mpg miles per gallon
mph miles per hour
MS military standard
ms millisecond
m/sec. meters per second
mtg. mounting
MTU Motoren-und Turbinen-Union
MW megawatt
mW milliwatt
μF microfarad
N, norm. normal (power source)
NA not available, not applicable
nat. gas natural gas
NBS National Bureau of Standards
NC normally closed
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical
Manufacturers Association
NFPA National Fire Protection
Nm newton meter
NO normally open
no., nos. number, numbers
NPS National Pipe, Straight
NPSC National Pipe,
NPT National Standard taper pipe
thread per general use
NPTF National Pipe, Taper-Fine
NR not required, normal relay
ns nanosecond
OC overcrank
OD outside diameter
OEM original equipment
OF overfrequency
opt. option, optional
OS oversize, overspeed
OSHA Occupational Safety and
Health Administration
OV overvoltage
oz. ounce
p., pp. page, pages
PC personal computer
PCB printed circuit board
pF picofarad
PF power factor
ph., phase
PHC Phillipsr head Crimptiter
PHH Phillipsr hex head (screw)
PHM pan head machine (screw)
PLC programmable logic control
PMG permanent magnet generator
pot potentiometer, potential
ppm parts per million
PROM programmable read-only
psi pounds per square inch
psig pounds per square inch gauge
pt. pint
PTC positive temperature coefficient
PTO power takeoff
PVC polyvinyl chloride
qt. quart, quarts
qty. quantity
R replacement (emergency)
power source
rad. radiator, radius
RAM random access memory
RDO relay driver output
ref. reference
rem. remote
Res/Coml Residential/Commercial
RFI radio frequency interference
RH round head
RHM round head machine (screw)
rly. relay
rms root mean square
rnd. round
RO read only
ROM read only memory
rot. rotate, rotating
rpm revolutions per minute
RS right side
RTDs Resistance Temperature
RTU remote terminal unit
RTV room temperature
RW read/write
SAE Society of Automotive
scfm standard cubic feet per minute
SCR silicon controlled rectifier
s, sec. second
SI Systeme international d’unites,
International System of Units
SI/EO side in/end out
sil. silencer
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
SN serial number
SNMP simple network management
SPDT single-pole, double-throw
SPST single-pole, single-throw
spec specification
specs specification(s)
sq. square
sq. cm square centimeter
sq. in. square inch
SMS short message service
SS stainless steel
std. standard
stl. steel
tach. tachometer
TB terminal block
TCP transmission control protocol
TD time delay
TDC top dead center
TDEC time delay engine cooldown
TDEN time delay emergency to
TDES time delay engine start
TDNE time delay normal to
TDOE time delay off to emergency
TDON time delay off to normal
temp. temperature
term. terminal
THD total harmonic distortion
TIF telephone influence factor
tol. tolerance
turbo. turbocharger
typ. typical (same in multiple
UF underfrequency
UHF ultrahigh frequency
UIF user interface
UL Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc.
UNC unified coarse thread (was NC)
UNF unified fine thread (was NF)
univ. universal
URL uniform resource locator
(web address)
US undersize, underspeed
UV ultraviolet, undervoltage
V volt
VAC volts alternating current
VAR voltampere reactive
VDC volts direct current
VFD vacuum fluorescent display
VGA video graphics adapter
VHF very high frequency
W watt
WCR withstand and closing rating
w/ with
WO write only
w/o without
wt. weight
xfmr transformer