What are Shares and How Do I Organize Content with Them?
Shares are folders that contain all types of content, including documents, pictures, and music files. Shares
can be unsecured, which means that anyone who has access to your network can access the content in
these Shares. Shares can also be secured, which means access to content in them is limited to select
users and groups.
All Shares on the px6-300d are displayed on the Shares page. The Shares page displays a table that
contains folders, connected drives, and any cloud storage to which your px6-300d is connected. The
Properties column displays the features that are enabled for each Share.
Share Information
The Information section displays the Share name, graphically displays the space usage of the Share, and
allows you to view the content using the web-based content viewer.
To view the content of a Share, click View Content to open the Content Viewer.
To learn how to modify your Share information, refer to Managing Shares on next page.
Access Permissions
The Access Permissions section contains a list of users who currently have access to that Share. Access
Permissions displays when the px6-300d is secured, otherwise the section is not shown. If "Everyone"
has access to a Share, it means content on the Share can be viewed by anyone with access to your
network without needing to log into the px6-300d.
To learn how to modify Access Permissions on a Share, refer to Managing Shares on next page.
Active Folders
Follow the link to the Active Folder options for information on configuring each:
● Email Distribution
● Facebook
● Flickr
● Photo Resize
● Torrents
● YouTube
Adding Shares
1. From the px6-300d Management Console, click Shares.
2. To add a new Share, click Add a Share. Type a name for the Share. All Shares must have a
name. Names cannot exceed 32 characters. The following are not valid Share names: global,
homes, printers.
3. Click Create. To modify an existing Share, click the Share row to expand the Share.
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