
What Is Security and Do I Need It?
Security is an optional feature you can enable on your px6-300d Network Storage to secure Shares, create
users, and allow some features to be enabled. When you create users, you can limit access to your px6-
300d to specific people, and when you secure Shares, you limit data access to specific users. Security
adds an extra layer of protection to your px6-300d beyond whatever form of security you have on your local
network. Without security, all data on your px6-300d can be accessed by anyone on your local network.
To secure your px6-300d:
First enable security and create an administrator user.
Create users.
Create groups.
Secure any existing or new Shares.
Secure any existing or new iSCSI drives.
SecuringYour px6-300dNetworkStorageandContents
71 What Is Security and Do I Need It?