Monitoring printer supplies
Monitoring printer supplies
There are several methods you can use to monitor printer supplies.
If you are responsible for monitoring multiple printers:
• Select Folder Configuration from the All Tasks menu and create a folder with a filter based
on the status criteria you are interested in. For example, you could create a folder named All
Status Errors and Warnings, and configure the filter to display only those devices containing
status errors or warnings. This folder's contents dynamically changes as devices meet or fail
to meet the filter criteria.
• You can also perform a Quick Find to monitor printer supplies. Click the Quick Find tab, and
under the Select a Field to Search box, select Other. Click Find Parameters to configure the
parameters of your search. Click Find. The results of your search are displayed.
• To see at a glance which printers are low on toner, select Status of Printer from the All Tasks
menu, open a folder, and select the printers you are interested in.
If you are responsible for monitoring only one printer:
• Select Status of Printer from the All Tasks list. Choose the appropriate printer from either the
Quick Find or Folders tab.
Note: MarkVision's Map task displays an icon for each device. These icons give you an
indication of a device's status. A yellow border around a device icon indicates that
the device is in a warning state; a red border indicates an error state.
Moving the MarkVision Server
As newer hardware becomes available, it may become necessary to move the MarkVision
Professional Server to another machine, or import settings from one instance of the MarkVision
Server to another server. Since MarkVision Professional is extremely customizable, you may not
want to repeat the process of creating folders, filters, and rediscovering devices. As a result, MVP
provides the option of either moving an entire MarkVision Server or exporting specific settings for
folder configuration and MarkVision Messenger actions to a file to be imported on another server.
The following steps describe a method of creating a backup of MarkVision Professional's customized
data, and integrating that data onto a new machine.
1 Stop the MarkVision Server.
2 Back up the directory in which the customized data files are stored.
• In Windows, the default directory is: C:\Program Files\Lexmark\MarkVision
• For Mac and UNIX, the default directory is: /var/spool/markvision/data
3 Install the MarkVision Server on the new machine.
4 Stop the MarkVision Server.