(Continued from previous page)
The initial System Information display identies PCS200R default conguration settings,
including the Control Port IP address and the output conguration, for example:
PCS200R Pro:Centric Server v7.4
Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015 Zenith Electronics LLC
Hardware ID:
OS version:
OS release:
Ctrl MAC:
Ctrl IP:
Feat MAC:
Feat IP:
RF config:
RF channel:
Local time:
Linux 3.4.0-zenith-pcs200+
#121 SMP Mon Dec 8 10:38:49 CST 2014
Mode 3, 256-QAM-B, RF: 6 MHz, 5.36 MSps, ASI: 38.81 Mbps
Mon Jan 19 14:42:02 EST 2015
9. Check the Ctrl IP (Control Port IP address) eld in the System Information display. By
default, the PCS200R uses DHCP; thus, the DHCP server, if congured, assigns an IP
address to the Control Port once the PCS200R successfully connects to the network.
• If the Crtl IP eld shows an IP address, the PCS200R is up and running on the network.
If you wish to congure a static IP address for the Control Port and/or if you need to
congure a static IP address for the Feature Port (for IP output purposes), continue with
step 10. Otherwise, you can go to step 11 at this time.
• If the network is congured for DHCP but the Ctrl IP eld is blank, refer to “Network Setup”
troubleshooting information on page 35.
• If the network is not congured for DHCP, you will need to congure a static IP address
for the PCS200R Control Port as described in step 10.
10. This step describes how to set a static IP address for the Control Port and/or Feature Port.
Caution: Setting a static IP address for the Control Port (for remote management
purposes) is optional. However, if you will be using IP output from the PCS200R,
you MUST configure the Feature Port as described in step (c) below.
a) At the
Command >
prompt, type setip and press Enter. The system will display the
current network configuration, followed by the Network Configuration Menu.
System Setup (Cont.)
(Continued on next page)