Open Source Software Notice
Product Type Pro:Centric Server
Model Number/Range PCS200R
Those products identied by the Product Type and Model Range above from LG Electronics, Inc.
(“LGE”) contain the open source software detailed below. Please refer to the indicated open source
licences for the terms and conditions of their use.
Components License
bash, busybox, das u-boot, dev, e2fsprogs, ethtool,
gawk, grep, hotplug, iptables, linux kernel, lrzsz, lzo,
merge, module-init-tools, mtd-utils, net-tools, ntfs-3g,
ntpclient, openvpn, pciutils, procinfo, procps, screen,
skell, syscong, sysklogd, time, usbutils
GPL 2.0
eglibc, ffmpeg, gmp, Java SwingLabs, libelf, libusb,
LIVE555 Streaming Media, openRTSP, termcap
LGPL 2.0/2.1
The source code and other important information for the above may be obtained free of charge from
LGE at http://opensource.lge.com. LGE will also provide open source code to you on CD-ROM for
a charge covering the cost of performing such distribution (such as the cost of media, shipping and
handling) upon e-mail request to opensource@lge.com. This offer is valid for three (3) years from
the date on which you purchased the product.
Please be informed that LG Electronics products may contain open source software listed in the table
Components License
Apache Ant, Apache Commons EL, Apache Commons
FileUpload, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons
Logging, Apache Commons Modeling, Apache Commons
Net, Apache Derby, Apache HttpComponents, Apache
Jakarta, Apache James, Apache Tomcat 6.0, httpd
Apache License v2.0
ex, portmap, tcp-wrappers BSD License
libcurl Curl License
dhcp, expat MIT License
openssh OpenSSH License
OpenSSL OpenSSL License
sudo sudo License
zlib zlib/libpng License