Closed capt on will not be displayed when you are using an HDNI
connect on.
[o show the closed caption on yourTV screen, broadcast signa
must contain the closed caption data,
Not all TV pro%ares and commercials hdve the closed caption or
alltypes of the closed caption,
Captions nd texts may not exactly match theTV voice,
Changing channels may delay the closed caption for a f_>wseconds,
Adjusting or muting the volume may delay the closed caption for
a fu,w seconds,
Abbreviations, symbols and other grammatical shortcuts may be
used in order to keep pace with the on screen action,This is not
a malfunction,
The caption or text characters will not be displayed while the
main menu ol-functions d splay is shown,
If a black box appears on theTV screen, this mens that the closed
capt on is set to the text mode,]b teal-the box, select [CC-1],
[CC-2], [CC-31, [CC-4] or [Off].
If the unit receives poor quilt 7 television signals,the captions may
contain en_rs, or there might be no captions at all,Some possible
causes of poor quality signals ale,:
Automob e ignitior, nose
Electric motor noise
W_,ak signa reception
Nult plex signa ioception (gho£s or sclsen flutLe0
Data dropout and Pix_,ation (for DTV only)
The urlt itrains the cosed capt on sel¢ng if the power fails,
Whet, the unit r_ce ves spec aleffects payback signa (e,g, Seal_h,
Sow and St) from sVCR's video output channel (oh3 or oh4),
the unit may not disp ay the corroct caption or text,
When you select a istng nd set it to [Block], the hgher lstngs
will be blocked automatca )_T/,e ower ratn% w be ava abe for
When you set the h ghent rating to [View], a ratn% turn to
[View] automat ca y,
1o block any in ppropdate programs, set your limits in [US Movie
Ratings Lock], [US TV Ratings Loci<] and [Region Ratings Lock],
lhe chd lock sett ng will be/_,ta ned after a power Mlule or after
the power s mrr, ow,d for !o%er thsrl I0 seconds (except the PIN
code reverts to 0000), [Child Lock] ,,B p,20
If the ratng is b ocb, d,@ w appear
[Region Ratings Locl<] w be ava abe when the upit receives a
digital broadca£ using the pew isting system,
For the Unted States, the ur, t mdy dowrqoad the Regon Ratir_gs
Lock l_be, f requ rod,
The Canadian rati% sy£ems on this unit am based on CEA 766 A
and CR[C pocy,
Child Lock
Child lock reads the ratings for programs, then denies access
to the programs whch exceed the rating level you set, Wth
ths function, you can block certain programs nappropriate
for children and any channels or external input modes can be
nv sible,
1 Use i/I/to select [Child Loci<], then press OK,
Particular channels or external input modes can be invisible in
ths funct on.
1 Use i/¥ to select [Channel Loci<], then press OK.
2 Use lit to select the desred ratng, then press OK
_epeatedly to switch between [View] and [Block],
2 Usethe Number buttons to enter the 4dgt numbers for
your PIN code.
$ [Component] wll be displayed f you connected component
video cables to this unt,
• When you have not set up your PIN code,
enter 0, 0, 0, 0.
• When the PIN code is correct, [Child Lock] menu is
See the following descr ption for setting each tern.
US Movie rat ngs lock is the ratng system created by NPM.
Use lit to select [US Movie Ratings Loci<I,then press
Use i/T to select the desired rating, then press OK
lepeatediy to swtch between [View] and [Block].