USB Storage Device
This unt offers easy playback ofjPEG p cture ties.
Insert the USB storage devce into the USB term nal shown
below, [USB] lltt_ p.24
ii ii
The unt r<ognizes only USB storage devce,
Do not use a USB hub or an extension cable to connect an
c,xtemal hard dsk drive to the unit, (Not supported,)
A USB stol ge devce is alwdyS nserted to ths unit d r<tly,
A USB storage devce is not suppled with this ant,
W_, do not guarantee that all USB storage devices can be
supported by this unit.
Be sure to keep a backup copy of the origin I files on your device
before you pay them bad< on ths unit.We' have no responsibilities
for damage or loss of your stored data.
[o protect your USB storage devce files from being erased place
the wrte protect sliding tab n the protect post on.
When you are, ready to remove a USB storage dev ce, at f]rst turn
the unit off so t w £o into standby mode to dyed any damage
to your data and the unit.
A USB storage devee that rqu rr,s its own dryer or the devce
with a specal system such asfingerpr nt r<ognit on are not
Ths unit is not Ilowed to use the USB stordge device which
requil c,san extend power suppy (500mA or more).
Up to ?_GB(F/\1"I 6) or 8GB (FA] 32) capacity can be supported,
Ony USB 2.0 s supported.
Up to I0,000 files or 1,000 fo ders wth I9 I,iersrch es can be
recogn zed,
Up to 255 English characters can be i<ognized,
Ths unit does not support NTP(Ned a-h_nsf_,r Plotoco).
Ths unit supports FAil 6 and _A]32 file systems.
If the file s not supported, an error message appears,
When the USB storage devce s not i<ogn zed, try reconnecting
it again.
It is recommended that files to be played back in this unit are
recorded under the following specifications:
Upper mt : _4 lVlegapxel