
Insertthe batteriesintotheremotecontrolso youcan useit to
operatethe DVD Videoplayer.
i Open the cover.
Insert two AA batteries.
Make sureto matchthe + and- on the
batteries to the marks inside the battery
Close the cover.
This section shows yOUhow to use the remote control.
Point the remote control at the
remote sensor and press the buttons.
W'_hin about seven meters (23 feet)
Angle: About30" ineach directionof the
frontofthe remotesensor
* Do notexposethe remotesensor of the
DVDvideoplayerto a stronglightsource,
suchas directsunlightor illumination.
If youdo so,you maynotbe ableto
operatethe ENDvideo playerwiththe
Improper use of b_tteries may cau_ battery k_akage and corrosion.
To operate the remote control correctly, follow the instructions below.
DO not insert the batteries into the remote control in the wrong
direction (follow the +/- signs).
DO not charge, heat, open, or short-circuit the batteries. Do cot throw
the batteries into a fire.
DO not leave dead or exhausted batteries in the remote control,
DO not use different types of batteries together, or mix old and new
- If you do cot use the ramote control for a long pedod of rime, remove
the batteries to avo'KIpossible damage from battery corrosion.
If the remote control does cot fucolJon correctly or ifthe opera_ng
range becomes reduced, replace all batteries with new ones.
If battery Jeakage occurs, wipe the batter_,' liquid from the battery
compartment, then insert new batteries.
Point the remote contre_at tba remote sensor of the DVD video p/ayar.
DO not drop the remote control
DO not leave the remote control near an extremely hot or humid place.
Do not spill water into or put anything wet on the remote control.
DO not open the remote control.
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