Playing a Disc
This section shows you how to play a DVD video disc
or audio CD (compact disc).
Powerindicator STOP
• Preparations
• When you want to play DVD video discs, turn on the TV and put the TV in Auxiliary (Une) input mode.
• When you want to enjoy the SOundof DVD video discs or audio CDS from the audio system, turn on the audio system and set the
amplifier to receive Auxiliary input.
• For connection details, see pages 11 - 14.
• Set the playback picture size according to the picture tube shape or aspect ratio of the connected "rv. (See page 26.)
l! Press POWER.
The DVD video piayer turns on and the power indicator on the
player lights.
The disc trayopens.
i Place the disc in the disc tray•
Wt_ theplaybacksidedown
Youcan opsnthedrsctroybyprs_dngthisbutton
eveniftheDVDvideoplayer isturnedoff.
• Them am twoditiomntdiscsizes. Placethe disc
in_le corrsctguideio thedisc_'ay.Ifthe discis
outof theguide,itmaydamagethedLscand
causethe DVDvideoplayerto malfunction.
• Do notplaceanythinge0(ceptDVDvideodiscsor
audioCDsinthe disctray.
Press PLAY•
The disc tray doses and playback starts.
Currentchapteror_ad_ Playbackindicator=
number J ,-- DVDindicatorappearsduringDVD
' , I /v_od_cpWos_
Currentlffienumber Elapsedtimeofthetitleortrack
• If youinsert anaudioCD, the audio CD indicator
appeareinthe DVDdisplay.
The titisnumberdoas notappsar.
• Afterplaying allof the chaptersin thetitle,the
DVDvideoplayerautomaticaity stops.
• Do notmovethe DVDvideo playerdudngplayback.Doingso maydamagethedisc.
• Use theOPEN/CLOSE buttononthe remotecontrolor DVDvideoplayerto openand closethe disctray.DOnotpushthe disc1my.Doing so maycause
the DVD videoplayerto rcaffunction.
• DOnotpushdownthe disctray orputanyobjeotsotherthandiscsk_the disctray.Doingeo maycausethe DVDvideoplayerto maffurK_l_,on.
• Keepyourfingersclearof the disctrayas itis dosing.Be especiallycareful whenchildren'sfingersere nearthe closingdisctray.There isa dskof