
DSM250 User’s Manual
Page 142 Revision 1.4.16a
standard values of resistances for rudder angle senders and for rudders with maximum port and
starboard angles of anything other than 45°.
To perform custom calibration of the rudder angle sender, use the Scroll Up ( ) or Scroll Down (
) keys to move the highlighted cursor over the “Custom Calibration…” menu item. Then, press the
Enter key ( ) to confirm your selection and begin the calibration process. Figure 147 shows the
DSM250 with the Custom Rudder Calibration menu item highlighted.
Figure 147 – RAA100
Custom Rudder Angle Calibration
The first step in the custom rudder angle sender calibration process is to turn the wheel hard over to
starboard, and to measure the angle or the rudder (angle from center) with a protractor or other
instrument. Use the Increase and Decrease keys until the highlighted rudder angle value is at the
measured value, and then press Enter to accept the value and store it within the RAA100. Figure 148
shows a screenshot of the starboard rudder calibration screen. You may also press the Abort Key (
) to end the calibration process.
Figure 148 – RAA100
Starboard Rudder Angle Calibration