Adding Observing Sites
If you plan to observe using AutoStar at different geographic locations, you can store up to six
vation sites in AutoStar's memory to help simplify your telescope setup. Perform these
procedures using the Site options (Add, Select, Delete, Edit) of the Setup menu.
To Add a Site to the user-defined site list:
In this example, you will choose a city and add it to the database list.You will then select the
site to enable it.
1. Navigate to the "Setup: Site" menu. Press ENTER,
2. Scroll through the options until "Site: Add" displays. Press ENTER.
3. You are given a choice to enter a zip code (press “1”) or select a city from the list (press
“2”). If you choose “Zip,” enter the digits of your zip code and press ENTER.
4. If you choose “City,” scroll through the list of countries/states. Press ENTER when the
country/state you wish to add displays.
5. Scroll through the list of cities.Press ENTER when the city you wish to select displays.The
sites you choose will appear at the top of the Select list (all other available sites will be
listed after the sites you have chosen).
6. To choose a site, navigate to "Site: Select." Press ENTER. Scroll through the list of sites.
Both Zip Codes and Cities are displayed. When the desired zip code or site
displays, press ENTER.
To Edit a Site:
In this procedure, you will enter a location that is not available in the AutoStar database by
editing data of a nearby site. You will edit the location's name, latitude,
longitude and the time zone shift.You will then select the site to enable it.
You will need to know the latitude and longitude of your location to perform this
procedure.This information is available on most maps.
1. Using the Add option, choose a site on the list that is closest to your observing site and
press ENTER so that the site is added to your observing sites list. Choosing a site already
on the list (as opposed to using the "Custom" feature) makes it easier to edit, as the "Time
Zone" value may not need to be changed.
2. Scroll to "Site: Edit" and press ENTER. "Edit: Name" displays. Press ENTER.
3. The name of the site you have just entered to your list displays; if it does not, scroll to the
Join an Astr
onomy Club, Attend a Star Party
One of the best ways to increase your knowledge of astronomy is to join an astronomy
club. Check your local newspaper, school, library or telescope dealer/store to find out if
there’s a club in your area.
At club meetings
, y
ou will meet other astronom
y enthusiasts with whom you will be able
to share your discoveries. Clubs are an excellent way to learn more about observing the
, to find out where the best obser
ving sites are and to compare notes about
telescopes, eyepieces, filters, tripods and so forth.
Often, club members are excellent astrophotographers. Not only will you be able to see
examples of their art, but you may even be able to pick up some “tricks of the trade” to
y out with y
LX90 telescope
See page 41 f
or more information about photography
with the
y g
roups also hold regular
ly scheduled Star P
arties at which you can check out and
observe with many different telescopes and other pieces of astronomical equipment.
Magazines such as
Sky & Telescope and Astronomy print schedules for many popular
Star Parties around the United States and Canada.To find your local astronomy club, go
to www