A wide assortment of professional Meade accessories is available for the LX90 telescope.The
premium quality of these accessories is well-suited to the quality of the instrument itself.
Consult the Meade General Catalog for complete details on these and other accessories.
Some of the Meade Series 4000 and 5000 Ey
epieces are as follows. For a complete list,
see your Meade Dealer:*
Magnifying With #140
epiece Power 2x Barlow
Super Plössl
SP 6.4mm 313X 626X
SP 9.7mm 206X 412X
SP 12.4mm 161X 322X
SP 15mm 133X 266X
SP 20mm 100X 200X
SP 26mm 77X 154X
SP 32mm 63X 126X
SP 40mm 50X 100X
SP 56mm 36X 72X
Super Wide Angle (6-elements)
SWA 16 mm 125X 250X
SWA 20mm 100X 200X
SWA 24mm 83X 166X
Ultra Wide Angle (8-elements)
UWA 4.7mm 426X 852X
UWA 6.7mm 299X 598X
* Refer to
CHOOSING AN EYEPIECE, page 14, and TOO MUCH POWER, page 16, to determine
which optional eyepieces are best-suited to your applications and how to avoid
“overpowering” the telescope.
#140 2x Barlow Lens: An amplifying lens, the #140 2x Barlow doubles the power of all
eyepieces with which it is used. Insert the #140 into the telescope’s eyepiece-holder first,
followed by the diagonal prism and eyepiece.
#909 Accessory Port Module (APM): The #909 APM (Fig. 19) attaches to the rear cell of the
LX90 and connects by cable to the Aux port on the telescope's control panel.The APM includes
y connectors f
or plug-in of such accessor
ies as corded models of illuminated reticle
eyepieces, the #1206 Electric Focuser, or a CCD autoguider.
#505 Astr
oFinder™ Software and Cable Connector Kit:
With Meade AstroFinder loaded into
your PC, AutoStar-equipped telescopes, such as the LX90, may be remotely controlled from the
PC display. The #505 Connector Cable Set, permitting connection of the LX90, AutoStar, and
, is included with each AstroFinder pac
#928 45° Erect-Image Diagonal Prism: Primarily used for terrestrial viewing, this prism (Fig.
20) presents a correctly-oriented image at a comfortable 45° viewing angle.
Illuminated Reticle Eyepieces: Meade Illuminated Reticle Eyepieces (Fig. 21) are used for
precise polar alignment of your telescope. During long-exposure astrophotography, in
conjunction with the optional Meade Off-Axis Guider, they are used for through-the-telescope
ing of the object being photog
aphed while the camera’s shutter is open. Two optical
designs are available: Series 4000 Plössl 9mm or Modified Achromatic 12mm. Each model is
available in a wireless or corded configuration. The wireless models include a variable
brightness control with self-contained (user-provided) batteries. The corded models include
ariable brightness and blink rate functions and plug directly into the Accessory Port Module
(see above), with actuation from the hand controller.
Fig. 18: Meade Eyepieces.
Fig. 19: #909
Accessory Port Module
Fig. 20: #928 45°
Erect-Image Diagonal
Fig. 21: Illuminated
Reticle Eyepiece.