Fader and meter 41
Operator Manual
Fader and meter
The VeniceF has a 100 mm fader and a four-LED signal meter per mono input channel.
Fader section of the mono input channels
The meter is especially useful when setting the microphone gain of a channel. Also, as
the meter is post-EQ, it is possible to see the effect that the channel equalisation has
upon the level. It may be necessary to turn the input gain down when excessive EQ is
used to prevent the channel from overloading.
The LEDs represent the following:
• 18 (red): +18dB, overload (peak). This LED also monitors the FireWire/insert send
signals to highlight any possible digital clipping that may be masked by attenuation
in the EQ stages.
• 12 (yellow): +12dB, high level.
• 0 (green): 0dB, normal level.
• -18 (green): -18dB, shows that a signal is present.
Note: The meter and direct output, which are fed from the same source, are post-insert
and switchable pre-EQ/post-EQ, but pre-fader and pre-mute. They are both unaffected
by the channel mute.
Item Description
1 LED meter These four LEDs comprise the input channel meter, which lets
you monitor the input signal without having to use the PFL. The red +18
LED will also show any overload activity on the FireWire and direct output.
2 Fader This channel fader allows for continuous adjustment of the channel
level from
4 (infinity/off) to +10dB. At 0dB the output of the channel to the
stereo, mono and group buses will be at unity, that is, no adjustment in
level from the input.