58 Chapter 7: Output Section
Operator Manual
The FireWire section is located on the rear panel of the console.
FireWire section on the rear panel
The output section on the control surface has a firewire output select section that
lets you replace the FireWire outputs of the dual stereo input channels, and route
output buses to the FireWire interface instead.
Item Description
1 Meter LEDs These LEDs comprise the group meter, which monitors the
signal level of the group bus. Range is from -12dBu to +18dBu (3dBu steps
from -12dBu to 0dBu, and 6dBu steps from 0dBu to +18dBu).
2 aux c/o switch See “Group-aux changeover” on page 56.
3 mono switch This switch routes the channel signal to the mono bus
(post-EQ, post-mute and post-fader).
4 stereo switch Routes the channel signal to the stereo master bus
(post-EQ, post-pan, post-mute and post-fader).
5 pan control knob The pan control allows the group channel signal to be
positioned in a stereo field when routed to the stereo master bus. The pan
control allows continuous adjustment of the image from hard left, to hard
right with a centre detent, and obeys a constant power law (that is, -3dB at
the centre).
6 MUTE switch and red LED The MUTE switch mutes the channel signal.
Note that the signal will still be sent to the insert point. The mute LED
illuminates to show that the mute is on.
7 SOLO switch and yellow LED Group output solo has the same function
as on the mono input channels (see “Pan, routing, mute and solo” on
page 39).
8 Fader The group fader allows for continuous adjustment of the channel
level from
4 (infinity/off) to +10dB.
Item Description
1 FireWire socket For connecting a FireWire 400, 6-pin connector (to IEEE
1394 standard) to a PC.
2 sample rate LEDs There are two possible sample rate frequencies (in
Hz), which are configured via a PC using the FireWire driver. Either the 48k
LED or 44.1k LED will illuminate to show which sample rate is in operation.
3 clock LEDs There are two clock sources, internal or external, which are
configured via a PC using the FireWire driver. Either the int LED or ext LED
will illuminate to show the current clock source.