
Common specifications
7.2 Common specifications
Control specifications
Control method
PM sensorless vector control (low-speed range: current synchronization operation)
Carrier frequencies
Maximum speed 3000r/min (100Hz for 0.1kW to 1.5kW motor capacities, 150Hz for 2.2kW)
Speed setting
Analog input
3r/min/3000r/min (terminal2, 4: 0 to 10V/10 bits)
6r/min/3000r/min (terminal2, 4: 0 to 5V/9 bits)
3r/min/3000r/min (terminal4: 0 to 20mA/10 bits)
Digital input
Analog input
Within ±1% of the max. output frequency (25°C ±10°C)
Digital input Within 0.01% of the set output frequency
PM sensorless vector control range
1:10 (300r/min to 3000r/min)
Starting torque
100% (initial value)
Torque boost PM control torque boost, DC injection brake torque boost
Acceleration/deceleration time setting
0.1 to 3600s (acceleration and deceleration can be set individually),
Linear and S-pattern acceleration/deceleration modes are available.
Initial magnetic pole detection time
Approx. 0.1s (performed at start, at LX signal ON.)
Stall prevention operation level
Stall operation current level (0 to 200%), and whether to use the function or not can be selected
Operation specifications
Frequency setting
Analog input
Two terminals
Terminal 2: 0 to 10V and 0 to 5V are available
Terminal 4: 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, and 4 to 20mA are available
Digital input
The signal is entered from the operation panel or parameter unit.
Frequency setting increment can be set.
Start signal Forward and reverse rotation or start signal automatic self-holding input (3-wire input) can be selected.
Input signal (five terminals)
The following signals can be assigned to Pr. 178 to Pr.182 (input terminal function selection): multi-speed selection,
remote setting, second function selection, terminal 4 input selection, JOG operation selection, external thermal
input, drive unit run enable signal, PU operation external interlock, PID control valid terminal, PU-External
operation switchover, pre-excitation, output stop, start self-holding selection, forward rotation, reverse rotation
command, drive unit reset, PID forward/reverse action switchover, PU-NET operation switchover, External-NET
operation switchover, command source switchover and PID integral value reset.
Operational functions
Upper/lower limit setting, speed jump operation, external thermal relay input selection, forward/reverse rotation
prevention, remote setting, second function, multi-speed operation, regeneration avoidance, operation mode
selection, PID control, computer link operation (RS-485), Modbus-RTU
Output signal
Open collector output (two terminals)
Relay output (one terminal)
The following signals can be assigned to Pr.190, Pr.192 (output terminal function selection): drive unit running, up-to-
speed, overload alarm, speed detection, regenerative brake pre-alarm, electronic thermal relay function pre-
alarm, drive unit operation ready, output current detection, zero current detection, PID lower limit, PID upper limit,
PID forward/reverse rotation output, electromagnetic brake interlock, fan alarm, heatsink overheat pre-alarm,
operation ready 2, PID control activated, PID deviation limit, during retry, PID output interruption, pulse train
output of output power
, life alarm, fault output 3, current average value monitor, maintenance timer alarm, remote
output, alarm output and fault output.
Operating status
For meter
Pulse train output
(MAX 2.4kHz: one terminal)
The following signals can be assigned to Pr.54 FM terminal function selection: rotation speed (output frequency),
output current (steady), output voltage, speed setting (frequency setting), converter output voltage, regenerative
brake duty, electronic thermal relay function load factor, output current peak value, converter output voltage peak
value, output power, reference voltage output, motor load factor (torque monitor), PID set point, PID measured
value, motor thermal load factor, and drive unit thermal load factor.
Pulse train output (1440 pulses/s/full scale)
Operation panel
Parameter unit
Operating status
The following operating status can be displayed: rotation speed (output frequency), output current (steady),
output voltage, speed setting (frequency setting), converter output voltage, regenerative brake duty, electronic
thermal relay function load factor, output current peak value, converter output voltage peak value, output power,
cumulative energization time, actual operation time, motor load factor (torque monitor), cumulative power, PID set
point, PID measured value, PID deviation, drive unit I/O terminal monitor, motor thermal load factor, drive unit
thermal load factor, and PTC thermistor resistance.
Fault record
Fault record is displayed when a fault occurs. Past 8 fault records (output voltage/current/rotation speed
(frequency)/cumulative energization time right before the fault occurs) are stored.
Function (help) for operation guide
Overcurrent during acceleration, overcurrent during constant speed, overcurrent during deceleration, overvoltage
during acceleration, overvoltage during constant speed, overvoltage during deceleration, drive unit protection
thermal operation, motor protection thermal operation, heatsink overheat, input phase loss ∗3, output side earth
(ground) fault overcurrent at start∗3, output phase loss, external thermal relay operation ∗3, PTC thermistor
operation∗3, parameter error, PU disconnection, retry count excess ∗3, CPU fault, brake transistor alarm, inrush
resistance overheat, analog input error, PID signal fault ∗3, stall prevention operation, output current detection
value exceeded ∗3, loss of synchronism detection, overspeed occurrence ∗3
Fan alarm∗1, overcurrent stall prevention, overvoltage stall prevention, PU stop, parameter write error,
regenerative brake pre-alarm ∗3, electronic thermal relay function pre-alarm, maintenance output ∗3,
undervoltage, operation panel lock, password locked ∗3, drive unit reset
Surrounding air temperature
-10°C to +50°C maximum (non-freezing) ∗4
Ambient humidity
90%RH or less (non-condensing)
Storage temperature∗5 -20°C to +65°C
Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt etc.)
Maximum 1000m above sea level, 5.9m/s
or less at 10 to 55Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)
∗1 As the 0.75K or lower are not provided with the cooling fan, this alarm does not function.
∗2 This operation guide is only available with option parameter unit (FR-PU07). (Some functions are not supported.)
∗3 This protective function is not available in the initial status.
∗4 When using the drive units at the surrounding air temperature of 40°C or less, the drive units can be installed closely attached (0cm clearance).
∗5 Temperatures applicable for a short time, e.g. in transit.