Appendix D Status Codes
© National Instruments Corporation D-3 PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual
Table D-1. Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description
-81 portAssignToGrp The specified port is currently assigned to a group and can be
accessed only through DIG_Grp calls until unassigned.
-82 noPortAssignErr No port is assigned to the specified grp; therefore, the call had
no effect.
-83 badGrpDirErr The specified grp has not been configured for the desired I/O
-84 noGrpBlockInProg No block transfer involving a DIO-32F group is in progress.
-85 grpBlockInProg A group block transfer is in progress; therefore, the call had no
-86 setLatchWGrpCall A DIO-32F port can be latched (enabled for handshaking) only
by a group call.
-87 laterIntUpdateNotSet A call to AO_Update, WF_Pause, or WF_Resume had no
effect because the specified channel had not been set for later
internal update.
-88 wfInProgErr Waveform generation is currently in progress; therefore, the call
had no effect.
-89 noWfLoadErr WF_Load must be called prior to calling WF_Start.
-90 noWfInProgErr No waveform generation is currently in progress.
-91 badPreTrigCntErr The ptsAfterStoptrig parameter of DAQ_Trigger_Config
is either greater than the buffer size or not an integral multiple of
the number of channels scanned.
-92 buffNotFullErr The buffer must be completely filled at least once during a
pretriggered acquisition.
-93 prePostTrigErr Pretriggering and posttriggering cannot be used simultaneously
on the Lab-PC+, the SCXI-1200, or the DAQPad-1200.
-94 extConvErr External start trigger and pretrigger modes cannot be used with
external conversion pulses. External conversion pulses cannot
be used when the scan interval is non-zero.
-95 badSigDirErr Invalid signal direction specified.
-96 noDbDaqErr Currently, no double-buffered data acquisition is in progress.
-97 overWriteErr Double-buffered data has been overwritten before it could be
transferred to another buffer.
-98 memErr Insufficient memory or disk space.
-99 noConfigFile (AT Series) The configuration file was not found. This file must
be in the current directory or the root directory for DOS and
LabWindows and in your Windows directory for Windows.
-100 badGrpSize (AT Series) Because DMA transfers must be in 16-bit
increments, only a group size of 2 or 4 is allowed for block
DMA operations.
-101 intLevelInUse Interrupt level is already in use by another board.
-102 DMAChanInUse DMA level is already in use by another board.